The single best exercises that you can do for your lower body are squats. Squats are a compound exercise meaning multi-muscle and multi-joint. Depending on which squat you do different muscle groups will be targeted either more or less. When you do a squat you are using your own bodyweight as resistance so you do not have to use weights. When you perfect your form you can add weights for added resistance if you want. You can perform squats anywhere. They are an extremely important exercise.
The muscle groups that are primarily targeted are the glutes, hips, quadriceps, hamstrings, calves. You are isometrically working your core as well! I think you can call a squat a "total body exercise!" The squat is also great because it is time-saving.
p.s. as you are rising up from your squat press through your heels and when you are upright give your glutes an extra squeeze, but don't hyperextend your torso. You want to be in neutral spine when you complete your squat!
The muscle groups that are primarily targeted are the glutes, hips, quadriceps, hamstrings, calves. You are isometrically working your core as well! I think you can call a squat a "total body exercise!" The squat is also great because it is time-saving.
p.s. as you are rising up from your squat press through your heels and when you are upright give your glutes an extra squeeze, but don't hyperextend your torso. You want to be in neutral spine when you complete your squat!
p.s.s. you can also bring your upper body into the exercise by simultaneously doing bicep curls, tricep kickbacks and shoulder exercises. Don't do this until you have perfected your form. And remember when you are lifting weights, no matter how heavy or light.....slow and controlled movements are the way to go!!!!!
p.s.s.s. always check with your doctor before starting this or any exercise program!
Curtsy Squats
Squats are the best if done properly! Always keep your knees behind your toes.
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